lundi 6 octobre 2014

۩ tourism demand and its importance in the study of tourism marketing for the project ۩

۩ tourism demand and its importance in the marketing study for the project tourist ۩ reboot: Let's ask some questions at the outset that I will answer some now and the rest will answer them in posts to come, God willing Those who were in a hurry to answer the remaining questions, I am ready to be sent to him whenever he wants. - Why study the demand for tourism is the most important stage in the economic feasibility study for tourism projects? - What are the economic feasibility study of the projects? - What are the privacy of tourism projects for the rest of the economic projects? - What is the concept of tourism marketing? And how we market tourism in our country? - whichever best economic resource, oil or tourism? Is tourism is the oil future? - Can we really appreciate the number of tourists who will visit our country in the coming years? Let us in this first participation in this Economic Forum answer the question first to be reported in the boot. = definition of tourism demand: is an expression of trends tourists to buy tourist product specific, or visit the area or state tourism alone, texture complex mixture of different elements represent motives and desires, abilities and personal needs, which is influenced by consumers guides in terms of demand trends on a specific area.= importance of estimating the size of tourism demand: 1. possibility of estimating the volume of activity Tourism is expected in the state. 2 put a sound plan and appropriate for the absorptive capacity can meet the tourist demand is expected in the future. 3 development of tourism facilities and services in the state. 4 the possibility of estimating tourism revenue projected. 5. Develop a realistic plan for the future of tourism investment in the country built on various estimates of the size of the demand for tourism. = characteristics and attributes of tourism demand: 1 Sensitivity: tourism demand is sensitive to conditions and economic factors, social and political situation in the receiving countries for tourism. 2 Flexibility: Flexibility means the ability of tourism demand to change depending on the circumstances prevailing at the tourist market internal and external, such as the level of the price relationship between the price of services and tourism demand is an inverse relationship .... and other factors. 3 Expansion: Demand tourism tends to expand annually at a rate not fixed and varies depending on the circumstances change generated in the exporting countries for tourists and receiving them. - - the most important factors that led to the expansion and increase in tourism demand: & scientific and technological progress and informational experienced by the world and the great development in road transport, sea and air. & rising living standards and increasing incomes distributed in many exporting countries for tourists. & progress in the field of information and information and communication technology and the provision of information, data and good communication between exporting countries and receiving. & attention of many countries tourist Bmqomadtha natural and industrial services tourism significantly. & appearance tour overall organized by tourism companies global in most countries of the world at discounted prices. 4 seasonal: Valmosmeh means the direction of demand for Artvaafee certain periods associated with holidays or seasons certain. Where up demand to peak during certain periods of the year, tourism is seasonal is a set of variables that occur for demand and supply of goods and services, tourism due to certain factors recur annually. seasonal appear in the exporting countries and the receiving nations of Europe and America, for example, is active for outbound tourism in the winter either Arab countries will become more movement of tourism in the summer, so must the bodies and agencies and tour companies that are fully consider the seasons different in every tourist market so you receiving countries for tourists from the development of tourism plans appropriate to meet the tourist demand growing at specified intervals. = factors affecting the demand: Perhaps the most important of which 1 - the price of a good or service: Increasing the price of the service leads to a lack of demand for them with that price elasticity of demand is the relative change in demand as a result of the relative change in price. 2 market quality: that the volume of demand for products and services for the project represents a curve TTM average which stops its direction in the form of market, which operates the project, which vary from market full competition to the market competition monopoly, to market an oligopoly or monopoly absolute. 3 consumer income and desires: play consumer income a key role in the estimation of demand because any project must specify categories of consumers, which directs her items or offers her services and so he must estimate demand appropriate to the size of its sales, which planned in the future in line with satisfying the needs and desires of its customers and consumers and attract new consumers. 4 prices of goods or services of alternative or complementary: where we know that the market contains many projects competition offering commodities and alternative services and the consumer is always moving towards a low price and here is determined by the demand in accordance with the coefficient of elasticity of demand intersecting or coefficient of substitution between these services. 5 investment plan nationalism: the State to give priority to the implementation of some projects in the investment plan and help find out the distribution plan investments on various sectors in the possibility of predict the magnitude of the demand for goods and services in the future, it is through knowledge of investments allocated for the tourism sector can estimate the expected demand for services, tourism projects. 6 national income and the pattern of distribution: The level of national income and the basis of distribution of the most important factors that determine the shape of consumer spending for the individual and society, which depends upon the size of aggregate demand as the volume of demand ranging between segments of the owners of income "low, medium and high." 7 government intervention: that government intervention is important to ensure the success of the policies that affect the size of the aggregate demand and supply, such as tax policy .... 8 population and the rate of growth and trends tendencies: an increase of population means an increase in aggregate demand and the different needs of the population according to the level of scientific, social and physical, as follows demand the tastes and habits of consumers and consumption pattern prevailing. 9 quality product or service: The higher the quality of goods and services a particular project whenever the market share greater thus increasing sales and profits and competitiveness, and therefore must always improve quality to reach the Quality Assurance System "ISO 9000" which paves the way to get to the overall quality. = methods used to estimate the future demand: * (Note: for those who wish to explain each method please e-mail me at E-mail and I will send him immediately answer.) can be divided into those ways to predict the quality of the ways and methods of predicting the amount of & - qualitative methods: Here Snaddha only 1-style Delphi 2 collective agreement. 3 prediction based on the vision of the future.measuring 4 on the precedents " International Comparisons. " 5. relationship with development plans. 6 Golden storming "scientific observation". 7 scenarios. & - quantitative methods: divided into statistical methods, and economic methods. terms of statistical methods include: 1 Time Series Analysis: center moving and boot and boot exponential exponential rate. 2-regression analysis "general trend". 3 correlation analysis: bilateral and multilateral. either economic modalities include: 1 Average per capita consumption. 2 price elasticities and Aldkhalah. 3 family budget. 4 inputs and outputs " technical coefficients " 5 indicators. ........................................... ........................................... ....... ................ ....... I hope to be my first participation in this forum useful for all d. Shaaban Abdullah Muzeesa Economic Researcher - Syria-Tartous

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